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How much are tickets?

Click Tickets anywhere on our page; it will take you to our TIXR page

Purchases at the door are $5 more and paying with cash avoids ticketing fees

When and where is Power Up Expo?

January 10-12, 2025 at the Hyatt Regency Aurora Denver Conference Center


Are masks and proof of vaccination required?

Absolutely not. Read our CDC approved Health & Safety Policy for more information


Is there a Military Discount?
Active Military and First Responders receive a discount at the door for a day pass with valid ID.

Pre-purchase is not available due to proof of ID


Do I HAVE to stay at the Hotel?

No, but we highly recommend it! Staying at the official hotel  is how the event was designed and allows us to show the City of Aurora what an impact Power Up Expo makes on the local economy.

TLDR: Please stay at the hotel - you WILL have more fun and built around doing so.


Is this a family-friendly show?

Yes, absolutely! All 18+ events are clearly marked and require ID, most of which are past 9pm


Where can I sign up for ___?

Click "Get Involved" on our Menu​


Where is the schedule?

On the Schedule page on our Menu


Where can I see the guest list?

On the Guests Page


Can I suggest a specific celebrity guest to appear?

If you have a Celebrity Guest you just HAVE to meet at Power Up, email us at to set up payment to bring sponsor guest to the convention. While we appreciate recommendations, we are the largest independent convention company in the United States and are well connected with the entertainment industry - we have a solid grasp on which celebrities are available on our dates, what it costs to bring them, and how well they will do in our markets.  If you are adamant about meeting a specific guest , you will need to personally sponsor the appearance.


Why isn't _____ (celebrity) appearing?

  • There are literally hundreds of talented influencers, on-screen and voice actors, cosplayers, and entertainers. We cannot invite all of them every year, yes, even the one that is your absolute favorite. There are many, many factors involved in who can appear, most of which fans are not aware of. Please trust that we took dozens of factors into consideration when choosing the Celebrity guest lineup. 


Will there be an autograph authentication service on site?

We plan to have one on site, yes!


Are there day passes?

Yes, day passes are available online or at the door


Can I get a refund for my membership?

No. All sales are final. Yes, this means you. No, we can't make an exception. Our ticket description, which is required to read prior to purchase, also states our terms & conditions. If you ask for a refund, you will be quoted this policy, which is required to read and agree to prior to purchasing on TIXR


When does______ happen?

Check our Schedule page; the full schedule will drop two weeks before the convention


Does it cost to meet the celebrities?

No, but photos and autographs do. Prices set by each guest, which may not be relayed to Power Up until the event begins. We will post pricing guides as soon as we receive them


How much are autographs and photos?

It varies with each Guest. Head to our Guests page for more info; we will post pricing guides as soon as we receive them. It's usually around $40 per item


Where do I sign up to volunteer?

Click Volunteer under "Get Involved"


How much are artist and vendor booths?

Head to our AA & Exhibitor Booth TIXR page for details.


Where can I book my hotel room?

On our Hotel page


Where is the Dress Code / Cosplay / Weapons / Health Policy?

Click "Information" and select the policy you'd like to read


Will there be security?



What is your bag policy?

All bags are subject to search by hotel security, event security, and Aurora PD


Are there Media/Press Passes available?

Click "Press" under Get Involved


Is the Maid Café appropriate for kids?

Absolutely! It's a wholesome event and absolutely worth it


What are the Halcyon Knights?

They are veteran live-action role-players and medieval reenactors who host foam-fighting tournaments, fun role-play panels, and host the exclusive Stage Show, a thrilling story with live combat!


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